Home Haven
There are only a few areas in your home that could be made into an oasis where you and your family can relax. Having a family cave in the basement or up in the attic could work, but the best area is the patio. This is probably why you invested so much time in creating the perfect outdoor area, but now you have to start thinking about securing your patio. The following are a few tips to help you do just that.
With Insurance
Purchasing insurance for your patio and patio-related items is not a hands-on approach to securing your property, but it can help. You should keep in mind that it is easy to accumulate items that cost more than $5,000, which can seem pretty lucrative for thieves. Find out if your home insurance covers this or if you can add it. Be sure that you do not put this off too long.
Use Wire Rope
Another idea is to simply purchase wire rope, which looks better than huge chains, and they can be used with locks. You can try to camouflage some of these chains if you want to. You can use grass or even decorative stones around the wire ropes so that they do not seem so obvious. You should find these at local hardware stores or online, and they come in different sizes to suit your needs.
Let the Dogs Out
Those who have dogs should consider training them to be effective guard dogs. What you want to do is let your dog or dogs stay outside when your patio is most vulnerable as they should be able to deter most thieves. No one wants to deal with an aggressive dog, so the criminal will likely skip your home and find one that will be less work. Be sure to put signs out so that people are warned about a dog. The sign might also prevent break-ins.
Better Fencing
One of the most effective ways to deter people from entering your home and stealing your patio-related items is to install a better fence. You want to talk to professionals who have been doing this for decades to ensure that your fence is high quality. The key thing to remember is to make sure that the fence is tall enough so that it is harder to climb. Now, you could install a fence that does not allow anyone to see into your home, which can lessen the chance of your valuables enticing someone. The only problem is this fence could prevent you from seeing out, and sometimes it is important to know what is going on.
These are just some of the things that you can do to secure your patio, but there are other options like installing an outdoor security camera or even installing sensor patio lights, just to name a few options. Hopefully, these tips guide you in the right and safest direction for your property.